Circular Economy and The Built Environment

Circular economy principles are an ever-growing consideration within today’s society, with sustainability concepts such as material re-use and recycle having already been integrated into common practice. However, as technology is enhancing, a range of new sustainable endeavours are popping up within multiple industries worldwide. The circular economy has started making Read more…

Digital Twin: The Future is Here

Technology is evolving in our society at a rate that is almost unimaginable. With the uprising of artificial intelligence, automated capabilities are drastically enhancing. Within the scope of asset optimisation, technological development is coming about quicker than we may think. To show you how, let’s take a look at the Read more…

SDG circular economy

Transitioning towards a Circular Economy

With many organisations adopting a more sustainable outlook, the transition towards circular economy is becoming more than just an ideal. Circular economy models coincide with worldwide goals and policies. For example, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) includes targets such as the ‘Climate Action’, ‘Life on Land’, ‘Decent Work Read more…

Celebrating 20 Years

20 years ago, our founder, Don Sands, realised there was an enormous opportunity to reduce system inefficiencies by introducing model-based decision-making. Starting with the power generation industry, Synengco used digital twin modelling techniques and predictive analytics to improve asset efficiency. These assets can range in complexity and consequence from commercial Read more…

What is Circular Economy?

The circular economy model aims to maintain all resources at their highest value and has been rising in popularity as an alternative model to our current linear one. This model seeks to optimise the production and use of resources while minimising, and eventually nullifying, the amount of waste produced.

SentientSystem for the Built Environment

We have been busy with some creative endeavours along with our friends at Pixelframe. Check out our new video on SentientSystem® and its application to the built environment. SentientSystem® is a sophisticated modelling tool that efficiently manages complex asset-rich systems. The system collects data to support decision-making processes. SentientSystem® is Read more…